Robert had surgery today to remove some basal cell cancer from his nose. We were concerned about the extent of the cancer, so I thought I would show his before and after pictures. I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who was praying for him today. Please continue to pray that he will heal completely without any complications.
On a more serious note, Robert's surgery took most of the day. We left for Lubbock at 6:30 this morning. They began the Moh's procedure of removing a section at a time, then waiting about 45 minutes in between to biopsy the tissue. They took a section about the circumference of a thumbnail before leaving only good tissue. It then took another hour to make a skin graph from one part of his nose to fill the gap they created on the bridge. They then put a bandage they jokingly called a civil war bandage over his nose. His scar is about an inch long in the shape of the big dipper. His right eye is already swollen and black. He scared some poor kid on the elevator when we left the building without even trying! :)
He will go back next Monday to have the stitches removed. He is not suppose to bend or lift anything for the next 48 hours. The fact that he cracked two ribs on Tuesday might actually aid in the healing process since he is already having a hard time moving around. Thankfully, he does not have to be back at work until next Wednesday or Thursday. He is planning on going hunting this weekend with Jacob. If he behaves himself, he should be just fine by Saturday.