
Stalker or Social Networker ???

Okay, I admit it – I’m a stalker. I check on my friends and family daily via their social netting working sites.

Now I admit that I generally against the idea of putting yourself out there in cyberspace. I remember when Instant Messaging was new – and strongly discouraging my kids from talking to strangers online. I will not even play online games because I am afraid of who I am playing with. I am probably more scared of what they will think of my playing skills. But, why should I??? I mean, they don’t even know me – right? Here is the problem – whether they know you are not, they are REAL people. Why would you want to let a complete stranger judge you?

So why am I so obsessed with checking up on my family (mainly my kids)? It’s about change. You either have to keep up with the world, or let the world pass you by. I am pretty sure that the majority of my kids already think the later. The ever evolving cyber world is their mode of communication, so I choose to keep informed.

I have invested so much of my life into raising my children to become happy, healthy, & independent adults. I just want to see where my investment leads. When I get a glimpse into their world, I feel like a stock broker whose stock just shot through the ceiling. “For where your treasure is, there you heart will be also.” (Luke 12:34)

So, yeah, call me a stalker – or just call me a parent. Either way, I am unabashed and will not apologize for the honor of either title.


  1. I so enjoyed Corey's blog,so I am very happy to see you are going to keep Grannie in touch with her children and grandkids. I myself almost cryed reading about how touched Robert was with Corey being home for his birthday. By the way, I will be 69 this month. age just keeps slipping up on us dosen't it. How did Robert's and Daniel's outing go with the black powder guns? Keep up the good work!

  2. Definitely the "stalker", but you come by that trait naturally. You become more and more like Mom even though you fight it. It's futile! Love, B
