A beautiful spirit
Born to fly
The apple of her
Daddy's eye
Her daddy wanting
To protect her
From any peril
Or impending disaster

Her mom pushing for
Greater things
Wanting only the best
That life can bring
Greater things
Wanting only the best
That life can bring

She could not wait
For Kindergarten
Fun and games
And other children
For Kindergarten
Fun and games
And other children

She made it though
The paste and glue
Flower projects, Research
Papers, and Algebra II
The paste and glue
Flower projects, Research
Papers, and Algebra II

She started college
With a sigh
Hoping the years
Would not drag by
With a sigh
Hoping the years
Would not drag by

Now comes the road
That is unknown
Free to choose
Out on our own
So spread your wings
And enjoy your years
Challenge yourself
Overcome your fears
Be yourself
And always remember
You are special
And like no other
That is unknown
Free to choose
Out on our own
So spread your wings
And enjoy your years
Challenge yourself
Overcome your fears
Be yourself
And always remember
You are special
And like no other
We love you,
love you mom